The Pakistan Western Canada Trade Association (PWCTA) is hosting the Pakistan Expo Vancouver 2023, a grand showcase of Pakistani culture and trade in Vancouver. It is the first of its kind milestone event by the PWCTA and will take place in partnership with the Consulate General of Pakistan Vancouver from August 19th to August 20th at the iconic Pipe Shop in the heart of the Shipyards District, North Vancouver. It also presents an excellent opportunity for Canadians to experience Pakistan’s rich culture, explore business prospects, and deepen people-to-people connections. With more than 45 booths, visitors can expect a myriad of enchanting displays of Pakistani arts and crafts, showcasing the intricate craftsmanship of the region. To learn more about the expo and see a complete list of vendors who will be exhibiting at the expo, please visit:
Saturday Aug 19, 2023 Sunday Aug 20, 2023
August 19 11am - 7pm August 20 11am - 7pm
The Pipe Ship Venue, North Vancouver 115 Victory Ship Way, North Vancouver, BC V7L 0B2
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